Monday, July 4, 2011

Cheesy Beginnings

Once upon a time there was a blogger who was too timid to reach out to find readers.  It's quite possible that when she started blogging, this blogger told no one about her blog for several weeks, except her husband and her very best friend.

This blogger has a history of starting a project, say, knitting. She'll dump $50 into yarn and knitting needles, confident that she will soon be the world-master of knitting.  She'll shout from the mountain top, "LOOK!! I KNIT NOW!!"  Then two weeks later she'll decide knitting is hard, and she'll give up.  Unfortunately when people ask her a month after the fact, "How is the knitting going?" she is forced to reply, "Knitting? Oh. I don't do that anymore."

She did not want blogging to be one of those projects.

Six months after starting her blog, this blogger started talking to others about her blog.  Now she had a handful of readers, her friends, family, and for some reason Marianna Annadanna.  Although this blogger has been reading other blogs for the past five years, she didn't realize until now that, "Hey! Having conversations through comments is fun! I'm going to stop my practice of lurking on blogs, and actually leave some comments."

And she does.

After three more months of blogging, this blogger starts to think, "Hey look, Twitter.  Maybe I should Tweet."

Clearly social networking is NOT this blogger's strong suit.

But, tweet she does, and is encouraged by SarcasamInAction to tweet and tweet and tweet some more.

Now between commenting on other blogs and Twitter, this blogger garnered TENS of loyal readers.  She also gained some friends.

She and two of these blogger friends, Marianna Annadanna and SarcasmInAction, found out they had much more in common beyond blogging.  Cheese.  Beer.  Traveling.

And they decide, "Hey, there are probably LOTS of others out there who are just like us.  They blog about life.  And whether we are mommies or daddies or cat-owners or none of the above, we are all witty, clever, and just plain fun."

"We should have a place to hang out," these bloggers said.  "We can spread our cheesy talents all over the internet!"  Because clearly the internet doesn't have enough smart-asses.

So, they went to work creating the world's foremost arena for cheesy happenings.  For cheesy bloggers.  Bloggers just like YOU.

Cheesy Bloggers.

So join us, won't you?  Be a part of Cheesy Bloggers!  Tell your cheesy friends.  Be you witty, clever, or just plain cheesy, we want to get to know you.  See you there!


Marianna Annadanna said...

You are so adorable. This is the best post ever.

Hubby still knows you as one of my first blogger friends too (the girl with the dead sham wow mops!) and she who made me start twittering in the first place (no grudges though). xoxo

SarcasmInAction said...


Anonymous said...

This completely mirrors my blogging experience! I love keeping it fun and honest and absolutely random!

Angela@BeggingTheAnswer said...

@Marianna - xoxo to you too :)

@SarcasmInAction - :) I'm all full of warm fuzzies right now.

@MamaMash - One of the best things about blogging has been that no matter what I blog, be it random or crazy or whatever, some one out there GETS it because they are going through the exact same thing.

Stasha said...

Can I be cheesy with you? I will bring some brie and wine. So glad you decided to spread your wings, you are on top of my Google reader ( because your blog starts with B but anyway, i love it.)

Angela@BeggingTheAnswer said...

@Stasha - Yes you can be cheesy!! Go to and follow us to be part of all the cheesy goodness :)

Fox in the City said...

Tee hee, you guys are hilarious! So this is what all the cheese, beer and cheesy beer tweets were all about.

To be honest, there are still very few people in my real life who know about my blog. Perhaps I should share it with more of the world.

I am happy to say that I am now following the cheesybloggers and look forward to more fromage in the future!

Angela@BeggingTheAnswer said...

@Fox in the City - we're glad to have you!!

Lindsay Schultz said...

I just submitted a guest post and then I went to my sent folder and read it back and ohmygod it's an exercise in how many times can a person use the word "clever" in two paragraphs. Oy. Nevermind me.

mom in rome said...


Angela@BeggingTheAnswer said...

@Lindsay - I will always mind you, but only because you are so clever :)

@mom in rome - yippee!!

Betty Fokker said...

Oddly, I just blog because I feel everyone has the right to my opinion :0)